Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Temple of Doom

Wow, what an evening! I'm sitting here trying to gather my thoughts disentangling them from my emotions. We headed down to the Temple grounds around 6:30ish I believe, and there were many sheriffs and security guards making sure no Christians were talking to Mormons about their beliefs. I was standing in the road and was drawn to this cute little dog with a family lying on the grass. Well the family ignored my attempts to compliment their pooch and that made me look silly enough for a girl lying a little away from them to laugh and open the door for me to come and chat with them. I was so enthralled when she told me that her and her boyfriend had left the Mormon church until she told me that they were a part of the TLC church which is what they call the Reformed Mormon church; one of their beliefs being polygamy.

We had an amazing conversation! Nicole, 17, and her boyfriend Brian, 16, were such cool people and articulated their beliefs and questions and doubts very well. We were able to discuss the differences between each others' beliefs and I learned a lot about them and the Latter Day Saints. But most of all, my heart was broken. My new friends did not believe they were saved, but were working hard at it. I prompted them to acknowledge how we can never fully abandon our sinful nature and that grace is the only way to be saved, but they couldn't comprehend salvation outside of works. They told me that if someone commits murder he will receive eternal punishment and can not be saved. I was able to share my testimony with them and she testified also, and ultimately she and her boyfriend confessed of their sinful nature being unable to rid of, with the helpful example of lust for one another. I couldn't get into the Bible and share Scriptures with them about forgiveness or the Deity of Christ because the security guards would have either ticketed me or arrested me. When I explained the Trinity to them they actually understood and when I asked them why they didn't believe what the Bible says about the Triune nature of God, they couldn't answer.

My goal wasn't so much to stump them, but truly to care for people that are so deceived, yet have such innocent intentions, unlike their so called prophet Joseph. The Mormon Church is scary and straight up evil. They encapsulate their members using scare tactics of loosing their family and children and so much more I can't get into right now. Nicole and Brian let me pray for them and I just asked God to show them the truth about His Father nature and love for His children. I pray that they and all the other Mormons who were spoken to, would have a pure understanding of God's grace and who His Son truly is.

I'm really thankful for this trip because I myself wasn't feeling close to God lately. But through this trip I was given a new appetite for His Word and my heart was freshly pierced and broken for the lost people. Seeing God's beautiful creation up in the stunningly gorgeous mountains of Manti was a rejuvenating gift for my heart and soul. I couldn't have asked for what God gave me today and can only hope that He will be glorified in me again tomorrow.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Entering the Empire

So we just arrived in the beautiful town of Manti, UT and we're awaiting the arrival of our friends from The Movement Church and Shadow Mountain. The weather is close to perfect and the air is calm. We got our tents set up without any issues and Daddy Mark worked his magic with his extension cords and internet hook ups. There's so many recreational things to do here! Baseball field, a big playground, basketball courts, volleyball nets, horseshoes, and a welcoming veranda with picnic tables. We'll post some pictures soon.

As I sit here in the shade and look around at the sun peeking out from amongst the peaceful trees, I hear the serene sounds of children playing, a basketball entertaining two guys, the birds singing, and the trees whispering sweet hellos to us people here in the mountainous valley. The streets are quaint and the houses are beautifully structured with a brick colonial feel. As relaxing and enjoyable this placid little town may seem, I am embraced with an unwelcoming chill as I peek over my shoulder to see the upper towers of the Mormon Temple creeping above the tall cedars, and am stiffly reminded of the battle approaching us; the enemy lines closing in around us like the calm before the storm.

There is an invisible war swarming around us and it's too early in the combat to rest knowing the enemy is fleeting. But praise God that He is the Victor and all victory lies in His hands!

Well, we're off to Wal-Mart to get some goods. Pray for the Lord to move us out of the way so He may be Mighty! Talk soon!

In the beginning...

It was smooth riding from San Diego to the vibrant city of Mesquite, NV... population 20,000. If you're wondering where that is, my point exactly... We made it safely to the Virgin River Casino and had a nice relaxing night in the hotel. Friends from The Movement Church joined us last night and enhanced the atmosphere for conversational purposes.

It's a beautiful morning today. The sun is shining and the heat is prowling and the devil is scheming. Please pray for our small team to stay united and not let the war become amongst our hearts, but that we would take up our cross and stand in the gap for the Mormons at bay. We are about to head out for our 4 hour ride to Manti, UT. May the Lord guide us and reveal new and amazing things to us about His nature and Deity. Thanks!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mission Trip now! Leaving Sunday!

Come join Joe, Megan, Shawn, Hedi, Liz, Christian and Mark on this 2009 Mission Trip to Manti, Utah...